Janine Heidi in lederhosen опубликовала мастер-класс по шитью вот такой чудестной вещи, очень полезной в каждом доме. Это - сумка для хранения вещей (игрушек, белья, обуви и т.д.). Посмотрите здесь ее МК.
Janine from Heidi in lederhosen has published a tutorial how to sew this cute thing, it's very helpful for each home. It's a storage bag for things (toys, shoes, linen and etc.). Look here her tutorial.
Foto from Heidi in lederhosen. Фото с сайта Heidi in lederhosen.
Janine from Heidi in lederhosen has published a tutorial how to sew this cute thing, it's very helpful for each home. It's a storage bag for things (toys, shoes, linen and etc.). Look here her tutorial.
Foto from Heidi in lederhosen. Фото с сайта Heidi in lederhosen.
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